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Everything posted by Xerzuis

  1. Xerzuis

    TNT2 probs in Win2k, please help!

    Hello, I got my TNT2 working under Win2k build 2183 with the 3.64 Detonator drivers for win2k. Now I have 2 problems. Number one is that my computer randomly freezes up or restarts. This is really irratating as i am surfing the web the computer either freezes or restarts. Any solutions to this problems Number two is that I can't play any games. Seriously.... a game such as Fifa 2000 starts up and says something like. Fifa2000.exe generated an error. Windows is creating a logfile. So I can't play any games such as Fifa 2000, Descent 3, AOE 2. My system specs are as followed: AMD K6-2 400 o/c'ed from 350 Diamond Multimedia Micronics C200 bios version 1.04 Creative Soundblaster Live! Platinum Creative 3D Blaster Nvidia TNT2 Ultra 256 MB of Ram Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome! -Xerzuis
  2. Xerzuis

    TNT2 probs in Win2k, please help!

    Mousepad, I have been searching through the board and there are no solutions to my problems. Again, if some one knows a solution to this problem, please help me! -Xerzuis [This message has been edited by Xerzuis (edited 19 December 1999).]
  3. Xerzuis

    New Nvidia Drivers 3.65

    Hello, I got my TNT2 to work on my system. I'm using the Detonator drivers version 3.55 and when I want to load up any game (examples: Fifa 2000, GTA 2, Quake 2, Rainbow 6, AOE 2). Win2k will report that the game has errors and will genarate a Dr. Watson report saying what went wrong. I'm currently using Win2k Build 2183 (RC3). Anyone know a solution to this problem?
  4. Xerzuis

    Vid Card Problems! Please help!

    Hello, I own a Creative 3D Blaster TNT2 Ultra and I had no problems with the video card during the Win9x days. I upgraded to Windows 2000 RC3 (build 2183) and since then I can't go beyond the old VGA screen with 16 colors. The moment I want to change my resolution or color, the screen goes black after I press "apply". Do I have to deactivate something in BIOS, could this be a bug? Anything would help. I will try anything for it to work, because the vid card i'm using right now is terrible. My System Specs are as followed: -Diamond Multimedia Micronics C200 (mainboard) -AMD K6-2 350 o/c'ed 400 -Soundblaster Live! Platinum (Liveware! 3 not installed) -3D Blaster TNT2 Ultra (currently running SiS 6326 AGP) -256 MB RAM PC100 Samsung Ram I appreciate any help! -Xerzuis [This message has been edited by Xerzuis (edited 12 December 1999).]
  5. Xerzuis

    SB Live! Problems (again!)

    Hello, I have a Soundblaster Live! Platinum and I have seen a lot of instructions on how to get Liveware! 3 started and everything. I followed the instructions in the FAQ on this website and I had no success. Does someone know the correct instructions for the latest release instead of Beta 3 release instructions? Any thoughts? -Xerzuis