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About kenshin

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  1. kenshin

    Tribes as a service

    Why are you asking a game-specific (Starseige Tribes) question in here? But I'm a Tribes player so here: Running a Tribes dedicated server should be the same in Win2000 as in Win9x/NT. At the command line, go to the Tribes directory, and type: infiniteSpawn *tribes +exec serverConfig -dedicated Alternatively, you can create a shortcut that runs this command line. Make sure that you've configured the serverConfig.cs file. You can get more info on Tribes at: www.tribesplayers.com or www.planetstarseige.com ------------------ Cheers, kenshin
  2. kenshin

    Voodoo3 OpenGL

    No,it's not that hard. But because Windows 2000 is still in Beta stage, they don't want to support it. I'm sure they'll have a driver by Feb 2000. kenshin