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Everything posted by Enmity

  1. I have a similiar system to yours, and i had similiar problems... 1st off my q3 locks at that point if my dnet client is running. so if your cracking blocks, turn it off. also, try running dxdiag , and run the tests to see if you pass them. If not (like me) you should try turning your agp aperature down (mines at 4mb). my machine now runs relatively (for a M$ OS) solid. ------------------ Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd ---------------------
  2. Enmity

    Quake 3 Arena on SMP system

    thats if 3dfx can manage to support smp, i couldnt get my v3 to work... ------------------ Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd ---------------------
  3. thresh's (www.firingsquad.com) site did a piece on SMP a little while back, and as i recall they did all their testing with a geoforce card. I too was considering a geoforce, but the possible offerings from 3dfx/stb are keeping me from dropping the cash now. there is nothing more painful than trying to decide when the right time to upgrade is... ------------------ Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd ---------------------
  4. Enmity

    Distributed.net client and Q3

    Anyone elses dnet client causing their Q3 to hang on startup? win2k 2195, tried older client and the new beta --------------------- Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd --------------------- [This message has been edited by Enmity (edited 17 February 2000).]
  5. i just got em from their site ... installing now (fingers crossed)
  6. Enmity

    Win2k and Linux

    i have samba configured to use encrypted passwords and it works fine for me. I am also using security = domain ... ------------------ Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd ---------------------
  7. Enmity

    nvidia detonator 3.78 for win2k available

    well they worked Q3 started and ran a timedemo ok. no gain in performance ... ------------------ Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd ---------------------
  8. Enmity

    Quake 3 Arena on SMP system

    Hi, Maybe this is a little after the fact, but I had the same problem with Q3. Would lock up as soon as I started it. After a lot of futzing around I narrowed it down to my RC5 client. Turned it off and the game runs fine. I also linked some problems to setting ignorehwgamma to 1 . But I am running win2k 2195 (i noticed you where running 98??? and smp??), and my RC5 client is version 2.7106.436 (a little old). GL, Enmity ------------------ --------------------- Theres a big difference between knealing down and bending over- FZ --------------------- dual cel 366@550 BP6 256mb Ram Viper 770U SB PCI128 3Com 10/100 10gb IBM ATA66 40X cd ---------------------
  9. Enmity

    r_smp 1 in Quake3

    I have a V770 ultra, and the screen went grey when I tried r_smp 1 also. So I don't think it's isolated to V3's (even though I know thats the case with NT4) BTW I am using build 2128.