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[pSi] Bot

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Everything posted by [pSi] Bot

  1. [pSi] Bot

    Win2k (2031 beta 3), V3 and Q3 issues

    I need some help: I recently got Win2k(build 2031, beta 3, CPP) from Microsoft. I tried to run quake3 on my system using the drivers from this site, but I have had no success. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I had a hard time trying to make out the readme and installation files. It asks for Banshee drivers, 3dfxOVG.dll changing to 3dfxVgl.dll (or something like that).The readme says to use the winnt drivers and the 3dfxOVGL from the win9x drivers. It even has a list of what drivers you need. But the list does not include the voodoo3.inf. Do I use the inf from the NT drivers or from the one obtained from this site? Also whats with the Banshee drivers? I put all of these drivers on the 3dfx/voodoo3 directory. One more thing, the list mentions 2 other files (3dfxv3ps.hlp and the dll). These files were not on the new winnt drivers that I got from 3dfx's site. So do i need them? I had to use the ones that were already installed in win2k. Can anyone help me or at least explain the procedure a little bit clearer than whats provided on the file from this site? Do I have to use the exact driver versions like whats on the readme or can I use newer versions? Also whats does RC1 and RC2 stand for? What version do I have? What's funny is I never asked for win2k, Microsoft just sent it to me. I wanna play my Q3!!! =( Thanks!! [This message has been edited by [pSi] Bot (edited October 02, 1999).] [This message has been edited by [pSi] Bot (edited October 02, 1999).] [This message has been edited by [pSi] Bot (edited October 02, 1999).]
  2. [pSi] Bot

    Win2k (2031 beta 3), V3 and Q3 issues

    damn that was a really fast! WOW. Thanks alot I am gonna try the old versions by the way whats RC1 and Rc2? do I have one of them?