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Everything posted by Sticks

  1. Sticks

    EQ in Win2k(RC2)

    I have been trying to get EQ to work for a while now and I think I'm stuck. I have a Voodoo3 3000. When I had RC1 I used the drivers from this page to get EQ to start, successfully ran the tutorial, but when I try to run the game, I could only get to the point of selecting a server, then EQ would crash me back into Windows. I figured I'd try upgrading to RC2 and see what happens, but now EQ and the tutorial won't even start, EQ says "Error" without giving me a message. I though RC2 would be a movement forward not backwards. Anyways, if anyone out there has EQ working with Voodoo 3 in either RC1 or RC2 let me know, and how they did it. Otherwise if anyone has any hints.... Thanx.