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Everything posted by CracKFiend

  1. CracKFiend

    Proper Glide version numbers

    What are the appropriate Glide driver numbers we are supposed to have installed on Win2k RC2? Right now I am using: Glide2x.DLL : Glide3x.DLL :
  2. CracKFiend

    Genport I/O initialization failure

    I've installed the glide fixes under Win2k build 2128. The installation went fine, followed the instructions, but when I try to enter a game (Unreal Tournament and Q3TEST 1.08) and it tries to switch full screen, I get that error message...Genport I/O initialization failure. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. CracKFiend

    Genport I/O initialization failure

    Nope no good...it's already set to PNP OS = YES..... any other ideas?
  4. CracKFiend

    Genport I/O initialization failure

    By asking that I assume my hardware config...here goes Asus LX M/B Matrox Millenium 2 Agp 8m Dmd Monster 2 12 meg Dlink DFE530TX NIC Dlink DE528 NIC SBlive Cardinal 56k modem (whose drivers are not installed) thanks for the quick reply by the way [This message has been edited by CracKFiend (edited September 24, 1999).]