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Everything posted by Shrink

  1. See the reply to your other thread concerning Partition Magic. Same thing applies here. Shrink
  2. Has anyone managed to get the Hauppauge WinTV PCI (TV and FM) to capture video? I installed it only with the latest drivers from the web site, in addition to the latest ir, radio, tv2000, tv32, and Vid Cap (3.02) apps from the website but the Vid Cap app is not functional (no device detected). I have 2 capture devices listed in multimedia hardware: microsoft wdm capture device and the hauppauge video capture device. The MS driver doesn't do squat and trying to manually select the hauppauge one just hangs the app (though windows remains responsive). Thanks for any tips you might have :-) ------------------ Shrink 92% of the things we worry about don't happen - but the other 8% DO!
  3. Originally posted by ofelas: Quote: Works like greased owl$hit on SP2_build_2126 Trying to figure out if that is good or not :-\ So it's fixed with 2126? If so, it's off to update to 2126 for me :-)
  4. Did anyone find a solution to this problem? I am using SP2 RC1 and would like to be able to use SAV Corp 9. I have searched high and low for the registry edits referred to earlier but haven't been able to find anything. Thanks!
  5. Shrink

    Mandrake 9.0 my though on this OS

    Woohoo! Thanks :-)
  6. Shrink

    Mandrake 9.0 my though on this OS

    Thanks clutch - good to know. Now if I could just get on a server to get the RH8 iso's :-)
  7. Shrink

    Mandrake 9.0 my though on this OS

    Quote: Still dosen't support USB Keyboard I really hate plug-in a PS/2 Keyboard when install the OS , I guest SuSe still win hands down when it come to this . Hi Anthony! Me too - and it didn't like my Intellimouse Explorer Wireless (USB) either. I am going to give Redhat 8.0 a try instead. I'd be interested in feedback from anyone else who tries Redhat 8 as to whether or not the MS Natural Keyboard Pro USB and Explorer Wireless USB mouse works ok in Redhat. ... even if those DO work, I still have my PocketPC to worry about <g>. Dual boot here we come...
  8. Shrink

    Not Terribly Lively, Are We?

    I am thinking of taking the jump to Mandrake and am disappointed that it's not more busy here. I guess the best thing we can do is post and hope others do the same thing. When I first joined NTCompatible a few years ago it was considerably slower and then it picked up as Windows 2000 hit beta and was adopted by more people. I think the same thing needs to happen with Linux.
  9. Shrink

    Extarnl router IP address

    Anthony - Can't you get that info from the FirstGear utility that came with the router? I am looking through the manual for FirstGear at http://www.teledatec.de/1rt328nao.pdf and it appears as though you should be able to get the info from NetGear's own utility. My Linksys router has a status screen that shows clearly the IP address assigned to the router via DHCP from my ISP. CQ me if you need a hand. Shrink
  10. Shrink

    caller id

    I think he means Call Display on his modem when calls come in on his telephone line. It doesn't work for me either but I am using a supercheap software modem. Shrink
  11. Shrink

    New Audigy Drivers Not New

    Hey folks - no need to jump for these - they are the same ones that are already out but now are signed by MS. Great :-( Shrink
  12. Shrink

    New Audigy Drivers Not New

    Anthony - then what is the difference between these and the earlier ones? They appear to be the same ones but signed. Shrink
  13. Shrink

    Cannot install ATI MMC 7.2

    Go to www.rage3d.com and post the question in the forums there. I would also suggest downloading version 7.5 from http://www.warp2search.net/downloads/leaked/MmcDvd75.exe and use it instead. Shrink
  14. AFAIK, version 6 will work fine with FAT32 but won't with the revisions that were made in the new revision of NTFS. Shrink
  15. Shrink

    XP Xplosion!

    Did you check all your hardware to see why you are getting the data corruption (bad ram, failing disk, etc...)? Did you try restoring to last known good configuration from the boot menu (F8)?
  16. Shrink

    ACPI Error message

    You need a bios update - I managed to get a beta bios from MSI for my board that FINALLY did away with those errors.
  17. Shrink

    My Windows XP doesn't shut down...

    If you have Adaptec DirectCD installed, uninstall it. If not, post more info about your system specs.
  18. Shrink

    EZ CD Creator 5 Deluxe

    Any word on whether the latest 5.02 patch cures any of the problems in XP?
  19. Shrink

    ACPI question

    I have the same error message - haven't noticed anything nasty happen (crashes) though it is somewhat irritating.
  20. Shrink

    When is RC1 due out?

    Ioengard - that is what I was told as well. That RC1 will be 2502 with some drivers added. MS apparently got held up by waiting for some other companies to get them drivers.
  21. Shrink

    File and Printer Sharing not working

    Amen to that! It should be interesting to see how long it takes for one of those babies to leak out <g>. I suspect that the fact that you are logging into a domain has something to do with it. I am using a workgroup. Eddie - are you using logging in to a domain or using a workgroup?
  22. Shrink

    File and Printer Sharing not working

    8) 8) 8) 8) Funny thing is, that some peeps swear that it is not a problem on their systems - however the vast majority that I have polled have said that it is. Check out the winbeta forum, the http://home.nexgo.de/nanzy/v2/board/index.htm forum, and even the ms xp networking newsgroup and search for the issue and you will find it there. Maybe there is a fix now. From what I recall, a guy named DeathAngel who was a coauthor of the crack, said that it would be fixed in version 2.5 when RC1 comes out (another week now). I would not even bother activating any build now and just install RC1 when it comes out and use the new crack. Cya.
  23. Shrink

    File and Printer Sharing not working

    Eddie - I tried that and actually ran XP for around 4 days before running the reset crack. I made sure that everything was setup just fine (with respect to my shares) and that all computers could access the shares, then I ran the reset crack and BAM - no shares. It *may* work but with some of the network settings it restores defaults rather than settings that were made prior to applying the crack. Have fun :-)