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Blake Bowden

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Everything posted by Blake Bowden

  1. Blake Bowden

    Rain or CPUidle + Mombo Mon for RC2

    You don't need rain, CPUIDLE, etc becauase Winnt/Win2k has that feature built in. A friend of mine has your exact setup...those damn dual celeries cook on the BP6...the only thing he did was add additional case fans and get a bigger case to allow more airflow. BLake
  2. Blake Bowden

    NEW Nvidia Drivers

    I had some visual problems with running UT in directx mode. I install the DX7 final files that I got today and it cleared most of it up. I still have some unusual colors on the floors, but it's a vast improvement over the previous drivers...at least these somewhat work. Quake 3 seems just fine here. I ran benchmarks: WIN2K/DX7/Celeron 450mhz/BX6-2/TNT Overclocked 109/118 Win2k Demo1 800x600: 43.5 FPS Win98SE Demo 1 800x600: 44.7 FPS Win2k Demo2 800x600: 44.49FPS Win98SE Demo2 800x600: 52.2FPS Drivers seem to be pretty good although I would like to have the visual quality that i have in 98. Going to install 3DMARK 99 and see what the scores are between 98 and win2k and compare the visual quality. Just my .02 Blake
  3. Blake Bowden

    Does anyone know where...

    Does anyone know where to get DirectX 7 final for Win2k at? Blake
  4. Blake Bowden

    Sharing Folders Between Win98 and Win2k network

    You could try creating a guest account...use the name and password you assign when it prompts you. Good luck. Blake
  5. Blake Bowden

    Win 2000 Shutdown

    Try holding down the power button for 5 seconds. If not, I belive there's an option in the bios for "instant" off on your motherboard. Blake
  6. Blake Bowden

    Norton AV 2000

    Does anyone know how to get Norton AV 2000 to work with Windows 2000 (2114)? I assume that there's a link to a workaround under "Applications", but the page is no longer available. Thanks for any workarounds or information. BLake
  7. Blake Bowden


    It's basically Windows 98 SE with a few apperance enhancements that were takin from Windows 2000. And yes, you can use windows 9X drivers with it. Blake
  8. Blake Bowden


  9. Blake Bowden

    my god the gamma!!!

    This helped a little bit for me in q3a. Turn the brightness all the way down, and then increase it back up. Made a heck of a difference for me. You have to do this everytime you run q3a though Blake
  10. Blake Bowden

    Disk Defragmenting...

    Okay, first off I have ran the Disk Defragmenter that comes with Windows 2000 pro 2114, but I was wondering if there was any alternatives out there? I'am afraid that if I use a disk defragmentor that's designed for NT, it won't work with my Fat 32 drivers, and Norton utilities 2000 won't install on 2000. The reason why I'am looking for a different program is last time I ran the disk defrag that comes with 2000 is pretty much trashed some directories. I had to bootup with a Windows 98 startup, run scandisk, then reinstall 2000. Are there any other viable options for defraggin your drive under win2k? Also, what antivirus programs are you guys running with w2k? Thanks for any input. Blake