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About Croak

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  1. Croak

    Ever***** err I mean EverQuest

    Here's the trick with mode changing in EverQuest. First, go into your EQ directory and delete eqopts.opt. You can make a backup of it, if you are dual booting, or just want to save some configuration information, this is where all your video modes, sound prefs, keyboard mapping, etc, is stored. Then restart the game, you'll default back to 640x480 mode, and you'll need to manually type in your Station Name this one time. Once in the game, go into options display, change the same size all screens to on, and then click on the 800x600 tab. You WILL black screen...be patient, Win2k will error out of the program in about 2 minutes, give or take. WAIT. Once you've errored out, you can restart the game. Now it's set for 800x600, and works fine. If you want to go to 1024x768, just repeat the process. The real key here is to make sure it doesn't switch display mode back to 640x480 when you go to inventory view(same size all screens does fixes that), and that you WAIT patiently for Win2k to close EQ once you get the black screen. If you don't wait, the settings aren't saved. One more thing..this is important. WAIT [This message has been edited by Croak (edited August 30, 1999).]