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Everything posted by ovicipitum

  1. ovicipitum

    NT4.0 and Age of Empires

    Hi, I would appreciate any help with this problem - I am running MS Age of Empires Expansion on a home LAN that connects two machines, one running under Win95 and the other NT4.0 SP4. The game runs fine across the network on both systems, with one important exception. The sound does not work on the machine that runs NT4.0. This machine has a legacy SB 16 soundcard that is a couple of years old. One starting AOE, the sound appears to be disabled, and the machine has to be rebooted to get any sound at all to work again. Is this simply a driver problem, or is there something else going on here, such as DirectX problems? The Age of Empires documentation is not very helpful (thanks Microsoft), but for Win95, at least, you are supposed to be able to run DirectX 5 to get the game to function properly. The Creative Labs technical help did not do much for me either! Any input would be much appreciated.