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Everything posted by edda0199

  1. I have no idea on whether I can post a reply in here, but I want leave a footprint here. I also have a question why there is no reply?
  2. edda0199

    A few problems running Warcraft II Battle.net Edition on Vista

    It is hard to say i can help you, because i think no body can help you !!!
  3. I feel it is too hard to do so !!!
  4. I feel it is too hard to do so !!!
  5. edda0199

    Soul of Guardian Cool Suits are Available

    Yes,Soul of Guardian is a good RPG game. In the game, you select gender, type a name, pick one class – Blade Warrior, Dagger Assassin, Hammer Judge or Spear Guard – and are loaded into the game even without seeing how your avatar looks like. Once in, you know how in-game self looks like – just as anyone else is. As you look around the not-that-fantastic fantasy world, an NPC pops up asking you to Go Visit another to take the first quest. There, you start questing and auto-running. You choose one of four classes and head off into the adventure in the virtual world. Alongside the quest line, you will sail through levels, finish tasks and unlock new features. Skill tree, mounts, pets, fishing, party, friend list, guild, various chat channels, dragon slaying, on and on – you can find them all, but you need to hold your expectation down so as not to be very disappointed when you really try them out. Soul of Guardian is mediocre at best. Playing it just lets me understand a bit why so many gamers have a problem with browser-based games.