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About awk

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  1. awk

    Wolf (sanctuary woods) on Win XP

    Okayokayokay, to get ripped DOS games to work with DOSBOX, first you have to make a folder somewhere on your root hard drive directory, whose name is DOS. So, say you make a folder on your C:\ drive named DOS, and within the DOS folder is the folder named WOLF, containing all WOLF's game data and such. Start up DOSBOX, and type this: MOUNT C C:\ C:\ this will make your C:\ drive the active one so then you can type the location of the game folder with CD in the front of it, which is in this case: CD DOS\WOLF this makes the WOLF folder the active one, after you have done this, you can run the game .exe file, which in WOLF's case is just named WOLF.exe; in the case of another game it might be called something different, and it pays to check what the .exe is before you start so you have something to run once you have made the game folder active. So, to run wolf from here, just type WOLF and it will run. Im sorry if this wasnt too helpful, Im not very good at explaining things ^^;