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Everything posted by tnttoo

  1. Hi all, some real weirdness going on with my laptop. Ive got a Sony Vaio that has been good to me for over a year. I run XP with AVG, SpyBot, AdAware, and Windows Defender & Firewall. Yesterday I was browsing over my hotel's wireless net when Firefox suddenly could not find any pages. I tried Chrome & then IE, same thing. Skype & Yahoo IM still work, so I suspected some sort of DNS prob. I flushed DNS, renewed IP, but no joy. I went to Safe Mode & could browse just fine (but on a really small window!). I ran my AVG & SpyBot and only came up with some cookies. Also ran CC Cleaner, just cuz. Back in Windows proper I still can't browse with any of the 3 clients. Any thoughts on what to do next??
  2. Sorry, forgot to mention that I did disable the firewall with the same result. I don't see any open networks in the area to connect to. The weird part is I can connect and surf just fine in Safe Mode, so I doubt it's their network that's jacking with me. The hotel has 2 wired workstations in the biz ctr & I'm gonna try to go hardline to see if I can browse. I've thought about a corrupt driver, but then I wouldn't be able to surf in Safe Mode either.