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About dread_angel

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  1. dread_angel

    The 7th Guest missing cursor

    I am having the most confusing issue with the 7th Guest. I have installed it from the second disc using DOSbox, and I can get to the opening screen with the Ouji board on the first disc. I am not using fullscreen mode, and I have the second dos window opened behind the game window. I can pick up both windows and move them around with my mouse, so I know there is nothing wrong so far. I run the cursor over the game window and it turns the arrow black. I place the cursor over New Game and I click. The cursor is now gone. Nothing happens. I click like crazy and wiggle the mouse, but nothing changes. The cursor doesn't even reappear outside the dos window. I tap the keyboard, still nothing. I enlarge the window to fullscreen, (which of course is off in one corner) but alas, still no cursor. I bring it back down to the small window and I have my cursor back, but I can only start the whole act over again! I don't know why this would happen to begin with, much less how to fix it. Any suggestions?