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About kel666

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  1. kel666

    directx sims problem

    I keep getting an error message when I try to play it, it says something about "failed to find any directx 9.0 compatible graphics adapters in this system" I KNOW there is a way to fix this on my computer, it worked perfectly last week till I had to reinstall windows and it all happened over again (this has happened before but I don't remember what drivers to install or what to do) Manufact: NVIDIA MODEL: AWRDACPI BIOSL Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG Processor: AMD Athlon, ~1.2GHz Memory: 1024MB RAM DirectX Version: DirextX 9.0c Windows XP home When I go to display it says n/a for the chip type and all of them except display mode. Then where it says DirectX Features it says Not Available for all of them and I'm not able to click on the disable buttons. Some other stuff: Motherboard chipset: Nforce-U400 Chipset: North Bridge: nVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400 under display I found ATI Radeon 9550 whatever that is. any help would be great. I just don't know what driver to download.