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Everything posted by cartooncreator9

  1. cartooncreator9

    Big Problem

    I have a dell laptop with Windows XP. The total amount of memory my hard drive can hold is 60 GB. Somehow, I only have 1 GB of space left on it. I've checked all of my files and folders and all together they should only add up to 15 GB. I don't have any games or anything unneccesary on it. I talked to a friend of mine about it, who is really good with computers, but he couldn't figure it out. I can't figure out the problem. I've tried reinstalling the OS but it doesn't work. I've tried partitioning the drive but it said that the drive I wanted to partition contained files needed to install the OS and it wouldn't let me. If anyone can help me asap I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. cartooncreator9

    Big Problem

    Thanks for all the responses. I have done pretty much everything that you said beforehand, except call Dell. I plan on calling them tomorrow. I have checked my hard drive and I do only have 1GB out of 60GB left. I've tried defragmenting, but I don't have enough space to do a complete run through. I've done disk clean-up, checked all hidden files, and compacted the files I could. I appreciate your repsonses.