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Everything posted by TAHayden

  1. Hello All! I am just about to start a corse at Manchester Uni where I'll be learning to program in Java (your symapathy please), and they ask us to be running RedHat Fedora on our machines. I've had a play with it before by installing it on an old spare drive, and I'm trying to do the same again after hardware upgrades... Trouble is I'm getting some fairly terminal errors when the installer tries to run - complains about my CPU... Trouble is the error messages shoot past to a page that tells me little, where it then stops entirely. I have tried both the 64 and 32 bit versions. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated - especially via email! Please bear in mind I am a little green when it comes to Linux based stuff, so try not to give me a coronry! Thanks all, Tom ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ BFG's nVidia Gforce 7600 GT PCIe 1GB RAM SATA Hard Drives
  2. TAHayden

    RedHat Fedora on Athlon X2 64 Dual Core

    Thanks for replying, been on holiday, and about to go on another, but really appreciate the help...... First of all note that I have been trying 5, not 6, and I do notice an error message, but the lines continue to scroll down the screen too quick for me to read them before it finally grinds to a halt... It does this even before the installer propper starts. I guess a start would be to find out if there is a comand like /p (page at a time) in dos? Cheers for your help
  3. TAHayden

    RedHat Fedora on Athlon X2 64 Dual Core

    5, a test version of 6 is downloading......