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  1. Simply put... Custom built 'puter /w Win2kPro OS (XP too much junk in it). Re-installing old Warcraft 2 game and it checks for LOL ancient soundcards (no offense my first 'puter was a TRS-80,LOL) ,anywho, how do I bypass the systems check and get it operating with a modern system? ...posted in wrong section...

    winmyy32.dll virus! help please

    ...small suggestion Maybe right-clicking on the file, go to properties and uncheck all options, then delete? ...or change the permissions/onwership of the file ...or rename the file and delete all or some of these options might work. Then restart and check for the file again. ***may have to do so in safe maode as these files are typically loaded when windows OS initiates and remains resident to prevent such tampering. /some cases may require booting to DOS environment ie. command prompt -toying with these files can be very frustrating sometimes, don't let it get to you. Allow some time to fix it and remember ALL previous steps that did work as to prevent repeating yourself. **lol, one more thing ...lock all internet activity until removed while working on it...for safe measure.