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Everything posted by Kurtz

  1. when attempting to open particular wav, jpeg, or movie files in Outlook I am receiving the following error message: "This File does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options control panel." What is the fix for this? Thanks
  2. Kurtz

    Ulead crashes to desktop...

    Just loaded MF4 and it has now crashed to the desk top at various points in the program (while I'm trying to burn dvd's) for about the 5th time (and frustrating the begeebs outta me). I run Windows XP with Pinnacle DV500 card and a gig of RAM. If additional information is needed please let me know.
  3. Kurtz

    Red Alert 2 and Windows XP

    I am running Windows XP Pro with service pack 2. I am trying to install Red Alert 2 and am receiving the following error: "Setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close." I have installed other software this past week and the system has been running smoothly. I have been to Westwood support and tried the compatibility wizard to no avail. Has anyone encountered this before? Please tell me there's a fix for this; I'd prefer not to reinstall Windows.