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Everything posted by Baskii

  1. Hi all, I just came across this thread and I can't believe I've finally found some reference to the problem that has dogged my computer for two years! My situation sounds amazingly similar to Alfei's. Everything was fine until I got some new hardware, namely: Gigabyte GA-7VXP mobo, Athlon XP 3000+ CPU and Western Digital WD800JB hard drive. These weren't all bought at the same time so it's hard to pin down what specifically may be causing the problem. In any case, since that fateful upgrade I get a lot of system errors when starting from a cold boot (for example, graphics card drivers failing to start with the dreaded "Machine Check"). For a while I suspected that Norton AV 2004 was the culprit as it reported that it had been "tampered" after a cold boot (much like Alfei's McAfee problem). I can now see that it was only a symptom of a different issue. In addition to the problems reported elsewhere I seem to get a lot of data corruption on my hard disk, particularly with downloaded files but also with my iTunes songs, although this may be a different issue (anyone else get songs skipping or brief "screech" noises on their iPod?) Since I became aware that there was a problem and it was probably hardware related, I've changed everything in the system except the mobo and CPU (and the hard drive is the same model but a warranty replacement as I thought it may be to blame). However the problem remains! I'm way beyond being out of patience and a new mobo and CPU are on the cards. Like Alfei, no tests I've run have ever indicated a problem, but I will be happy to run any tests suggested and post the results for inspection! Regards, Baskii Originally posted by alfei: Quote: I've been running my AMD Duron 1100 / Gigabyte GA-7VAX (VIA KT-400 chipset) for a couple years now, through several peripheral hardware upgrades (disk, cdrom, cpu and case fans, etc.) and have always had the same problem. ... It only ever seemed to happen under absolute "cold" bootup. This means leaving the PC off for a long time (like overnight). ... the most regular appearance was McCaffee Virus scan startup reporting "corrupt signature files" or something similar ... No memory test or cpu test ever indicated a problem. ... alfei bold textbold text