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Everything posted by double_a_ron

  1. double_a_ron

    No pictures shown in Dungeon Keeper 2

    My biggest problem is that I can't find the first patch and it won't let me patch from original install to 1.7. When I try to install the patch i get some file not found error then the Windows has encountered a problem with DKII.exe every time i run it after. So far though with the -32biteverything command line I haven't had a problem but whatever works. This is my first real experience with this game though and it's been worth all the trouble. Just got Stronghold too and that's another classic
  2. double_a_ron

    No pictures shown in Dungeon Keeper 2

    1.Create a shortcut of the DKII.exe file to the desktop. 2.Right-click on the shortcut and select properties. 3. Under the "Shortcut" tab find "target" 4.Change "D:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper 2\DKII.exe" (quotes included) to: "D:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper 2\DKII.exe" -32biteverything (just add -32bit everything, leave a space after the end quote). (I'm assuming D:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper 2is the folder that you've installed the game to it's most likely: C:\Program Files\Bullfrog\Dungeon Keeper 2\DKII.exe) This solved the same problem for me. Now I just have to find that patch [Edited by double_a_ron on 2005-10-30 04:41:47]