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About Enoon

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  1. Enoon

    mandrake10.1 and windows xp on sata hd problem..

    Args... now I got the bootloader lilo to work, but mandriva won't load. 0x25 timeout lots of stuff I don't understand... though it keeps repeating nv sata primary device added nv sata primary device removed nv sata secondary deice added nv sata secondary device removed ... a couple of times... then it does nothing. keeps telling me timeout. could this really be the fault of windows??? I need windows on my computer; I know too little about linux to just switch but it's giving me such problems... should I try to reinstall? I'm beginning to dislike my harddisk. it says IRQ 10 nobody cared and at the end disabling IRQ 10 I have no clue as to how to reassign IRQs and if it might help, I don't even know what it is... I'm willing to learn though. I really want this to work... how can it be this complicated? windows still boots fine... the mother board I'm using is Nvidia K8N Neo4 did bios updates etc just a few days ago. what do I do?
  2. Enoon

    mandrake10.1 and windows xp on sata hd problem..

    I have the same problem withe a Western Digital hd and an nvidia bord. After about 20 min of trying to install the drivers it gives me a similar error as mentioned above in line 341 as far as I can remember. I find this odd, because installation worked the first time I tried, when I realized I screwed up the bootloader and could not get into linux. I have no idea of how to work with linux... I tried rescuing the linux installation but still couldn't get onto it. only windows xp. windows is on the SATA WD hd as well, on a seperate partition. I tried running the installation process again but it failed at the hd drivers and hence can't find the hd afterwards. I formatted the partition again and tried anew, with no luck. does this mean I won't be able to install it at all? by the way I'm using mandriva limited edition 2005. Please help if you can, I'll try to supply any other information... as I keep trying... oh another strange effect of this akward installation of Linux is that my USB ports are dead... who knows what else... I'm confused, since it seemed so straight foreward, I couldn't have done that much wrong... *sigh* ;_; please help... I'm desperate Edit: well, after rebooting a few hundred times I found my USB ports were working again and plugged both keyboard and mouse back into them and tried Mandriva installation one more time... and what do you know, suddenly it can install the SATA drivers. well, well... I'm guessing it has to do with the bios? hm... now all I have to figure out is how to configure lilo so I can get into linux this time... [Edited by Enoon on 2005-09-14 17:57:50]