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Everything posted by Win_freak

  1. yes im new and ive had this problem with my pc for about 2 tadys and in those two days ive had to put atleast 6 or more into finding a solution for it. The problem is when i log into my account it amidietly logs me back out ive done the c:\windows\system32\>copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe trick and even replacing the old file with one that works but to no success i would rely appriciate any help at all thx
  2. Win_freak

    windows log in problems plz help

    yes im new and ive had this problem with my pc for about 2 tadys and in those two days ive had to put atleast 6 or more into finding a solution for it. The problem is when i log into my account it amidietly logs me back out ive done the c:\windows\system32\>copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe trick and even replacing the old file with one that works but to no success i would rely appriciate any help at all thx