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Everything posted by COleg

  1. Hi I have a HLDS and I had it all up and running, but now just got a D-Link DI-604 router and cant figure out what ports to forward or if I set up my computer properly. I have found several sites CLAIMING to know what they are doing....but non of it works with my set up. I will give you some info and if you need more just ask. ISP - SHAW HIGH SPEED ROUTER - DI-604 Shaw give DHC not static but my IP has not Changed I keep checking. the HLDS computer is set to have a STATIC ip from the router. (read to do that on a page somewhere) also put in the routers IP as the GATWAY and the two DNS Ip adds from the router as the dns on the server. internet works fine on the computer that the HLDS is on. no issues with that. I think I know how to forward the ports on the router. I have several forwareded. like 6003 7002 27005 27010 27015 27025 all to the static ip of the computer the server is on. (if I have done something wrong please let me know) I also read somewhere you are supose to put the IP of the router the WAN IP in the Server config file. like so ip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX done that. took that out. didnt make a difference. when I add that address to the command line however I get some kinda error couldnt allocated dedicated server to port 27015 something like that then the server shuts down... took that out... help PLEASE.
  2. COleg

    Port Forwarding DI-604 to run HLDS

    i have done all that and still nothing, I have now moved the server infront of my router and is connected strait to the modem via a hub and the router to my other computers. you can join the server via the ip in the favorites tab and it works fine but does not show up on anyones server list.... not anyone Ive asked to look for it anyway. and no one has joined it either. so im assuming that no one can see it cause when I had my server running before. a couple people at least loaded it up a couple times a day or more even if they dropped right after. I read there was a thing with the fire wall setting in xp sp2 but I dont know if that did anything when I shut it off cause no one can see it yet... who knows maybe it will fix itself... NOT THAT I CAN PLAY ON IT ANYWAY CAUSE MY COMPUTER IS GETTING FIXED BY A DUMB ASS COMPUTER COMPANY IN EDMONTON ALBERTA CALLED MEMORY EXPRESS AND IVE HAD IT THERE TWO WEEKS ALMOST NOW..... LOL anyway just want to get server up and runnning for when I do get my PC back. later all
  3. COleg

    Port Forwarding DI-604 to run HLDS

    Yes I tried the portforward site it says that the DI-604 cant open enough ports to run counter strike, however its the only site that says that. Other sites claim it works. And you can open alot of ports with it but I dont know what ones to open or exactly if im doing it right. it also says to set DMZ and I tried that like just now did it like it says in the DI_604 manual and enable it and everything but I still cant see my server in the server list. Just shows up on the lan list. but my server connects to the internet... or at least thats what it tells me anyway. anyway I dont get it dont make sence to me I set it up like everyone says and it dont work so I dont know what to do ive tried everything ive come accross and other stuff just trial and error with what I have to work with. if all else fails I can place a hub before my router and use my second ip from my isp but I would like be behind the router if nothing else just for the sake of learning something.(funny thing is ive taken a class in CCNA and worked on CISCO commercial routers... and I cant figure out a dlink. home office router...LOL.go figure.