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andrew etherington

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Everything posted by andrew etherington

  1. I hope some pc wiz can help my kids on this one. We bought Segasoft Vigilance on the cheap from the local pc store but it won't even instal. Seems it is incompatible with Windows XP. Is there a clever workaround to get the game to work on Windows XP? Any way at all?
  2. andrew etherington

    Is there any way to get that old game Vigilance to work on Windows XP?

    Thanks ScinteX. I'll give it a go. The virtual machine option sounds like it might be a goer, even if it isn't for this particular game. Much appreciated. Andrew
  3. andrew etherington

    Is there any way to get that old game Vigilance to work on Windows XP?

    No, unfortunately the compatability wizard drew a blank too. The game gets to the install screen, you press the button "install" and then ... zip, nothing, no response or action at all. Has anyone got any other ideas that may help? My kids are dying to play this one. Thanks in anticipation
  4. andrew etherington

    Is there any way to get that old game Vigilance to work on Windows XP?

    Thanks. I'll give the compatability wizard a shot! Cheers Andrew