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Everything posted by Mauler

  1. Mauler

    For the old DOS gamers: OpenGL ports of CLASSICS!

    Awesome work Gentlemen! I had checked out some OpenGL ports of Doom, Duke3D & Blood (Blood *unf*) but they didn't really amount to much...but that was years ago. It's good to see that some people are dedicated and still going, I'll definately be checking out the .WAD based stuff as I still have those games on CD indoors...is anyone planning to update HeXen2? Bullfrog's two Syndicate games may be worth a mention too (the Dungeon Keeper series too, but both those run under Windows fine) as Syndicate & Syndicate Wars are both absolute classics but have trouble on the Win32/64 platform with not just the usual DOS drivers/memory issues but SWARS was just WAY too fast! lol