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Everything posted by Nirvana7734

  1. Nirvana7734

    Mechwarrior under windows XP

    Hi, guys. Qbod, in your first post, your problems sounded very similar to mine (although after your later modifications, I didn't have the problems that you now have). From where I was when I posted a few weeks ago, all that I needed to do was download a crack for Mechwarrior 2. Of course, with this crack for 1.1, you need to find a way to patch it to 1.1. When I did the patching, it was somewhat tedious, but I did manage to patch the game to 1.1. From there, I cracked it, and I got through the "Drop procedure Initiated" screen and played away merrily. Now that I've had my share of fun with MW2, I am trying to get GBL to work. I am having some trouble with this. It keeps telling me that the CD cannot be found, so I'm looking for a No-CD crack for GBL, just as I did for MW2. If anyone finds such a thing, please let me know. Thanks!
  2. Nirvana7734

    Mechwarrior under windows XP

    Hi, everyone. I've tried so many things that I don't even know where to begin. Here is my problem, however. With VDMSound and DOSBox, the MW2 CD cannot be found (even though it's in the CD-ROM drive). I've made a batch file with NOLFB and SAPUCDEX and when I run it (without VDMS or anything) it starts the game without trouble. I can watch the movies for the clans and screw around in there all that I want. But whether I try to do a mission for an allegiance or in the ToG, the game ALWAYS crashes about .4 of a second after the screen with the dropship "drop procedure initiated" screen comes up. I've tried using different resolutions and turning off the music and it still crashes. I'm not sure what else to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!