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Everything posted by lilia

  1. lilia

    Windows XP slow, restarting

    First of all, my computer seems to always be running. That is, it's as if a program is running even when nothing is. (It's making that sound.) I had Kaspersky Antivirus installed, but it started to have problems scanning (it would stop at around 4% and I would get a message saying it has to close). Now I have Panda Antivirus. I had another problem just a moment ago. Upon turning my computer on, I got the black screen stating whether I would like to restart in normal mode or safe mode. When I chose normal mode, the computer would automatically restart. I tried this several times and the same thing happened. Eventually, I tried the safe mode and windows xp loaded, but I cannot use the internet in safe mode. I waited about an hour and tried to restart it in normal mode again and it worked! I was able to log into windows and get on the internet. I'm not good with computers, so I don't know why all of this was happening or what I could have done to make it happen. Any help is greatly appreciated.