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Everything posted by Renvan

  1. Renvan

    Computer, Or router Problems

    Hey, hope someone can help here... A while ago, I accidentally reset our router to factory default settings, and thus lost the ability to connect to the 'net. We called the company and got all the settings put back straight and can now, as before, connect to the internet no problem. HOWEVER! I have found that I can't send or submit files of any type in any way to anyone or anywhere. I can't upload images to placed like DeviantArt or Imageshack, I can't submit files to places like Newgrounds, and I can't send files across any form of IM program (be it MSN, AIM, YIM, Trillian... the lot). This is a serious problem as far as I'm concerned, as I send files about a lot usually, to my DeviantArt account, to my DrunkDuck-hosted comic, and to my friends online. According to the Zen (our ISP) helpline, all the settings are as they should be. For a short while last night (Tuesday 18th) from about 9:30pm onwards, I was able to send files again - but when I came back to my PC and tried to do so today, it failed yet again. Any ideas what's wrong, and how I can fix it?