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Everything posted by DaRebel

  1. DaRebel

    GMail invitations

    Got 6 invitations ready here, will give all of them away, but first to get one is whoever can help me here - http://ntcompatible.com/thread29825-1.html ;(
  2. DaRebel

    All in Wonder VE PCI - TV Garbled

    Hi, I've been having troubles fixing my capture options for my All in wonder VE (PCI). It is garbled on all 3 connectors (Analog TV Tuner, Composite, and S-Video). Much distortion on the image as well as a scrolling image of another connector while I am using one. Say, i'm watching TV and I have my xbox on composite... As I am in the software for analog tv tuner, i see the game in the background scrolling lightly. I have all the latest software and drivers. I have also tried the older software and drivers (7.9 and 7.6) as others were suggested to do, it had no effect. I am planning on getting an AIW 9600 so i can still have the capture abilities yet have decent graphics for PC applications, but for now I want to get this fixed. In addition to this my capture drivers won't be detected while i have my Radeon 9200 installed, so i've uninstalled it for this...If someone has a solution to this as well, much appreciation. Here is an Example - My System Specs - Antec Model SL350 (350 Watt) Power Supply ASUS P4B533-X Motherboard Intel Celeron 2.2GHZ Processor 512MB PC3200 DDR Memory WD 40GB 7200 RPM + WD 60GB 7200 RPM ATi All-in-Wonder VE PCI 64MB Windows XP Service Pack 2