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About pmcoggle

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  1. That works fine, I can find that setting in the gpedit utility, however for reasons best left unsaid I need to make the change in the registry ...? I can find the key ... HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SeCEdit\Reg Values\Machine/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon/PasswordExpiryWarning had a go altering these settings but to no avail, it looks like the numerical value that relates to the number of days is somewhere else? Any clues on this one would be greatly appreciated. Thnaks Phil
  2. My NT server has a policy which requires the users to reset their passwords every month. It reminds them of that when there is 14 days to go until their passowrd expires and that annoys them! Is is possible to alter that setting (I guess it is in the registry somewhere) so that the reminder pops up at say 3 days to go? Hope you can help thanks PMC