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Everything posted by mukeshgambhir

  1. mukeshgambhir


    Hi, just do the following and the same will be resolved, 1)Restart your PC in safe mode and remove and security patch and any driver you recently installed or updated.restart the system normally and see 2) uninstall the service packs and run the PC in safe mode fro three four times it will replace the registry and your problem should be resolve. 3)if not ok with the previous ones restart in safe mode go to device manager remove all hardware from the list and restart the system now install things in a sequence and cancel all others after installing one in one time let it start and see the condition, do repeat this until you got an error or the stable system. this will definitely resolve your problems. GM Originally posted by pasnip2000: Quote: HELP! i have XP but would be massively grateful if you could help me with this little big problem. Basically Blue Screen of death seems to happen randomly, seems to be getting steadily more frequent as time goes by. occasionally the whole pc just restarts and doesnt go to this blue screen but 90% of the time if it does suddenly restart it will go to this blue screen. Just now it did it and it scared me because after pressing restart it wasnt booting anything and stopped on the very first screen of the start up. So shut it down and then it worked again and booted up fine. Cant seem to pin point it to a program. Can work fine for hours using adobe premiere dealing with massive amounts of files on my 160gig harddrive and then sudenly crash opening a picture file or dreamweaver. I'm reasonably good with computers as they all say but when it comes down to insides of working and these blue screens i havent got a clue!! All i know is it could be a RAM problem or Graphics card, but that is purely a guess so i just dont know. Anyhelp would be very much appreciated. Also big thing is cant defrag the drive , leave it for about 10 mins and come back to find teh blue screen again, the hardrive has never been defraged. Since dealing with a big harddrive thort it would be best to do, but i cant! That what brings me to think its a RAM problem but i duno! HELP!!!!!!! MICROSOFT HOME EDITION xp VERSION 2002 SERVICE PACK 1 AMD ATHLON XP 2600+ 2.09 GHz Ram - 1024mb NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is at the top Technical information: *** STOP: 0x000000D1 (ox20000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xF6EA8BBF) *** USBPORT.SYS - Address F6EA8BBF base at F6E8F000, DateStamp 3f04cf17 Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP. REALLY STUCK