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About Riazmc

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  1. These questions might sound stupid but i've tried googleing and i can't find the answers! once i installed linux it worked fine untill i rebooted, now i cant get past the login screen, i know the password i use is right, and i can get to the failsafe terminal. i've tried the various options ie; kde, gnome, default but when i login it jus brings me back to the same screen! whats going on!? also just wondering how can i access files on my other hard drives? any help would be gratefully recieved!
  2. Riazmc

    Problems installing Mandrake 10.1

    thanks guys the linux noapic nolapic command worked, installed perfectly and its looking good. just one more very newbie question, how do i access files on my other hard drives? also what programs can i use to cusomize the appearance, looks im using something called GNOME at the minute. Thanks again.
  3. Riazmc

    Problems installing Mandrake 10.1

    Thanks for your suggestion, tried removing all other drives, but didnt work. XP is installed on C on first partition. I was looking forward to trying Linux but not looking very hopeful!
  4. Riazmc

    Problems installing Mandrake 10.1

    I have an amd athalon xp2200 on a asrock board with sis chipset 2x 512ddr 20gb ide hd which has been partitioned 120gb and 60gb all ide i have a GeForce4 gfx card any more info you need just let me know?
  5. I'm trying to install this for the first time as a dual boot. when i boot from the cd to install, it seems to work, but when it gets to detecting the hd it says something like connection lost. it looks as tho it cannot communicate with my drives, i have three HD's installed. I've also tried using noauto command but this hasnt helped. anyone know whats going on?