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Everything posted by optimus

  1. Agustin's Linux Manual -Second Edition It is the best that is all what I can say. I am running Mandrake 10.0 and I configured all my servers by using this book. Oh, yes it covers IPtables and Proxy servers.
  2. optimus

    Is LINUX the answer?

    Obviouly Linux is the best option, but there are many other things to consider...are you using a your windows box for internet sharing or are you using a router...Perhaps it is much easier to set up a router and dual boot your sytem with linux so when you are online you can always use Linux and when you play games use windows....Windows 2000 is better if you opt for windows....root is right XP really sucks. you can also achieve your internet connection sharing by setting up a Proxy server using Linux. something I learned from a very good book: Agustin's Linux Manual -Second Edition which is available at http://www.netcontrol.org if you opt to use a router, you can secure your stations by using IPtables. if you need information about IP tables there are many books online that can give you ideas of how to configure it...however I recommend you Agustin's Linux Manual -Second Edition if you are running or plan to run Mandrake 10. There is a series (first edition for Mdk 9.0 9.1) of this book for free download check it out at google. the lates edition tells you about IPtables and Proxy server good luck
  3. Have you seen or read Agustin's Linux Manual -the Series if yes I bet you loved it. My teachers at school asked me for a copy of it and I gave it to them. They were very excited when they saw how easy it was to follow directions from these manuals. Teachers teaching Linux are now using it at our schools to teach Linux, this is a little hilarious because they were teaching Debian and an old version of Redhat...Now they are teaching Mandrake 10.0 Anyway this is a short story about these manuals, This is my first time on this forum and I wanted to tell everyone that what I know about linux, I did not learn it at school...a I learned it from Agustin's Linux Manuals which I downloaded about a month ago at Mialug.org http://www.mialug.org/downloads/documentation/Agustin's%20Linux%20Manuals/ Last night I got the second Edition of Agustin's Linux Manual from http://www.netcontrol.org and it is just owsome comes with security and proxy server, this second edition is no longer in volumes it is now only one book and is based on Mandrake 10. I highly recommend you get this Manual especially if you are new to linux, well not necessaryly perhaps it is perfect of an every day IT need. Thank you guys for spreading the words, because if it wasn't because of people like you; I would not have learned so much. and yes get the Second Edition if you are using Mandrake 10.0 a lot of things have changed. bye now