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Everything posted by halian

  1. Hi I recently bought an AOC LM720A LCD. I run Win98SE, Win2K and Suse 8 on my machine (apologies for all the WinX stuff). All works fine - except when I boot Linux. Then I get a message box "Input Not Supported" which slowly moves around the screen. I can however see most of the screen (KDE) - I logged in and changed the resolution to 1280 x 1024 - which improved the look of the display (screen display now looks great) - however I STILL get the damn message stepping all over the screen. Do I need a driver? Perhaps I need to change a setting? Is it a graphics card/driver issue (oldish GeForce)? Help! Halian
  2. halian

    AOC LCD "Input Not Supported" - Newbie

    Hi The final solution to my problem - which I am sure many Linux users will perpaps find obvious was :- Determine the XFree86 config file via the /var/log/X* file. I edited this and found, no surprise, a monitor section for my prevous (CRT) monitor. I rebooted - and at GRUB entered 3, booting non-graphical (I presume run level 3?) I then logged in as root and ran sax2. This whirred for 30 seconds and then was done. Examination of the X config file showed values now present for the AOC. Rebooted and all was fine. Thanks for help and suggestions. Halian
  3. halian

    AOC LCD "Input Not Supported" - Newbie

    Very happy to tell you how things went - just hadn't been able to "play" with things up until now. 1280X1024 @ 64hz fixes the problem (can't choose lower refresh with things as they are now). However small problem still (isn't there always one) I use SUSE 8.2 and KDE - the initial login screen still causes the problem (it's being run at a different resolution and referesh rate) to that I can set when I login - when I login I can set screen values as indicated above - that clears the "Input Not Supported" box nicely. However - if I go back to the login screen the problem remains. So - I guess - there must be a default screen resolution/refresh rate setting for (and I don't enought of what I'm talking about yet) either X (XFree86 etc., or the window manager/KDE). That's my next task... Thanks for the help - I will post again when I have definitively "fixed" the problem. Halian
  4. halian

    AOC LCD "Input Not Supported" - Newbie

    Okay - I think (!) I can manage that - I have set the resolution correctly (i.e. 1280 x 1024) - and that looks fine - however I do think that the vsync/hsync settings are possibly the problem. Thanks for now.