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Everything posted by Joey2

  1. Hi, i have a problem, running java in linux iPAQ. Here is my problem: I have install Blackdown on my iPAQ and it works prefectly on my iPAQ.Now I just wondering my Blackdown only run on command line hyperterminal is there any other way to run my Blackdown?Now I try to run my java app shown below : //include the MIDlet super class import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet; //include the GUI libraries of MIDP import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; public class HelloWorldMIDlet extends MIDlet { static HelloWorldMIDlet instance; HelloWorldDisplayable displayable = new HelloWorldDisplayable(); /**Construct the midlet*/ public HelloWorldMIDlet() { this.instance = this; } /**Main method*/ public void startApp() { Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(displayable); } /**Handle pausing the MIDlet*/ public void pauseApp() { } /**Handle destroying the MIDlet*/ public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { } /**Quit the MIDlet*/ public static void quitApp() { instance.destroyApp(true); instance.notifyDestroyed(); instance = null; } public class HelloWorldDisplayable extends Form implements CommandListener { /**Construct the displayable*/ public HelloWorldDisplayable() { super("Testing"); // set up this Displayable to listen to command events setCommandListener(this); try { initDisplay(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /**Component initialization*/ private void initDisplay() throws Exception { // add the Quit command addCommand(new Command("Quit", Command.STOP, 1)); this.append(new String ("Hello World")); } /**Handle command events*/ public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c.getCommandType() == Command.STOP) { // stop the MIDlet HelloWorldMIDlet.quitApp(); return; } } } } I have already compiled it and try to run it on the J2ME WirelessToolKit and it works fine.So I transfer my *.java and my *.class into my iPAQ and when i try to run it show an Error MSG saying that there is no class definition found etc. So i thought it best to convert it to *.jar but when i try to run it ,it show an error message also saying no class definitaion; files or directory cannot be found. I've cheack my *.java over and over again but I think it's not the coding problem so i think the problem might lies in setting the correct class path but I don't know how to set it so if the problem lies in the setting the path, please guide me step-by-step this is only my assumption.Or my other assupmtion maybe I must download all the class onto my iPAQ if that the case I also don't know how to go about it. So please guide me in how to upload and setting the class path. I'm at my very ends now so can someone be so kind to help me solve my problem..Million Thanks..
  2. Hi.. i really need help urgently. Can someone tell me if there is a "make" function for iPAQ which is using Linux OS. Coz after i compile the CDC/Foundation on linux desktop, i need to port it over to my iPAQ using FTP...but i need a build/target_name dictory. in order for me to have create the build/target_name dictory, i need to create it. So is there a "make" function for my iPAQ or only the "make" function is only for the desktop? Or is there any other JVM to recommand beside blackdown and Jeode.Thanks alot.....
  3. Joey2

    AWT in Linux OS

    Hi, just wondering, if Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) can work in iPAQ, PDA Linux OS? Can it work with pure J2ME or only pure Java?Thanks....
  4. Joey2

    Jeode iPAQ

    Hi there, could someone tell me where can i download Jeode for my iPAQ Pocket PC;Linux OS? Thanks alot...
  5. Joey2

    Jeode iPAQ

    hmm..do i need to register in order to download the application? Thanks...
  6. Joey2

    Linux & VB.Net

    Hi, I'm new to Vb.Net programming. Just wondering if anyone know if i developed my program in Windows desktop computer using Vb.Net and then transfer it to my iPAQ Pocket PC, which is using Linux OS. Can it be done or i need an additional application to do the transfer. ;( Thanks alot...