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Everything posted by wholewheat

  1. wholewheat

    sftp'ing using gftp

    my unversity account has changed servers.. and i can't use ftp anymore.. i've been trying to use gftp without success. the only thing i've done was changing the setting from "FTP" to "SSH2" i try to connect using "sftp://username@servernameblablabla" i get this error: "could not parse URL" anyone know how to properly set up gftp for sftp'ing?
  2. ok.. i just wanted to upgrade my version of gaim because msn doesn't work on there anymore. i tried to install but ended up finding out that gtk2 was needed. so i find this webpage and follow instructions.. http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.2/gtk/gtk-building.html it says to install in the following order: -pkg-config -glib -pango -atk -gtk and i get as far as installing pkg-config and glib. i can't install pango cuz it can't find the file "fontconfig.pc" any help would be much appreciated.
  3. wholewheat

    mandrake 9.0 and GTK2+ and fontconfig.pc

    stable is good. thanx for the tip well.. i decided to just download amsn.. and it works so i guess i don't need gaim THAT bad
  4. wholewheat

    mandrake 9.0 and GTK2+ and fontconfig.pc

    awww it didn't work it says "everything already installed" i guess i have to somehow build gtk2+ thanks for the help anyway
  5. wholewheat

    mandrake 9.0 and GTK2+ and fontconfig.pc

    really? and that'll update gaim to the latest version? no gtk2 mess to deal with anymore? sweeeeeet.. thanks! i'll have to try that when i get home (at work rite now)
  6. wholewheat

    mandrake 9.0 and GTK2+ and fontconfig.pc

    i'm using mandrake 9.0 is there any hope?