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Everything posted by Pytron

  1. hi, my sound is like the sound of an old radio... :S very bad quality :S And my sound is @ windows very good quality :S pleaze help me!! greetz Pytron
  2. Pytron

    Can't play audio

    Hi all, my sound card works fine, but i cant play audio files... like mp3 or just audio cd's etc.... Does anyone know wich plugins or codecs etc i must install. i prefer the RPM packages for my Distro RedHat 9.0 Thanks and alot of greetz Pytron
  3. Pytron

    can't copy file

    copy it like this in the trminal: cp thisisthefile.pl /var/etc cp = copy thisisthefile.pl = the source /var/etc = the destanation
  4. Pytron

    Installation Problems with RPM

    Hey, Gaim is a ;( BAD MSN client... you can better download AMSN because you can choose your own protocol and you can recieve and send files... But thats not possible with GAIM here's the link: http://amsn.sourceforge.net version 0.83 is the newest... and if you want to unpack it do this: download it... Open the terminal go to the download directory with the command: cd run gzip like this: gzip -d amsn-0_83.tar.gz then do this: tar xvf amsn-0_83.tar then do this commando: cd msn then do this to start msn: ./amsn or this commando: wish amsn If command wish is not found, you need to install tcl/tk packages (tcl & tk). i also dont know how you must install those take a look in google you wil find it Greetz Pytron... if you still dont know how.. go to the site and look for documentation... Bye
  5. Pytron

    No sounds

    Hi there, i have installed RedHat linux 9 and internet works fine and the sound etc too, but if i put a music disc (audio cd) there come's no sound, i think its something to do with the codec. Does anyone know what the problem is? And i dont know how i must let the java applets work... i installed them but how to activate them in the browser? Thank you Greetz Pytron P.S Excuse me people of my bad english ;(