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Everything posted by David1982

  1. David1982

    DNS Issue

    Have DNS running on my 2k Server box. Have no problems resolving any names except my own domain hosted on that box by IIS. I can switch the DNS server on the client systems to any public DNS server and it resolves my domain back to my IIS server. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. I am trying to get this pain in my butt infection off of my system. It just showed up just right after the MSBlast worm. But I download the Nimda infection remover from Symantec it scans through half of my hard drive and removes the infected files it find but then it just shuts off before it finishes scanning my D: drive. Anyone ever seen this before? Anyone have any ideas or tips? -David
  3. David1982

    Odd Problems with my DC

    Running Windows 2000 Advanced Server with most up to date service packs. System boots and runs without any problems. But as soon as it finishes login and after 5 min passes I can't copy and paste anymore. I, I can't drag and drop files to move on my hard drive. I can do this all right after login. But as soon as 5 min passes I get a error in my event viewer that sayes the source is "Service Control Manager". I can't get the details of the error cause that is another problem I am having. Gives me a event ID of 7031. I have noticed that I can do all the thing I listed above before I get this error in my event viewer. So I am pretty sure my problems are related to that. Anyone ever had any similiar problems? Anyone have any ideas? Everything was fine when I left on Friday. I have checked the Technet and can't find anything in there. -David
  4. David1982

    Odd Problems with my DC

    Woohoo glad to hear I am not loosing my mind... I will try and see if I can find that patch and give it a try. Cause I have not applied that one. -David
  5. System locked up on me this morning out of the blue. Rebooted and now I am getting a message saying NTFS.sys is corrupt. Thought ok well just run the Windows XP Repair. Nope still getting a message saying the same thing during the reinstall. Ok so I thought I might reinstal the OS on a different drive. I tottaly disconnected the primary master drive and still sayes during a install of XP on a totally differnet drive that the NTFS.sys is corrupt. Any Ideas? David
  6. David1982

    Corrupt NTFS.sys HELP

    Nope... I did find that a stick of memory is what was doing it. I pulled the stick of memory and was finally able to get throught a complete install of windows. Stuck the stick of memory in again and it corrupted the same file again. So it looks like there is something funky with that stick of memory. Has anyone ever heard of a stick of memory corrupting files? I have seen where a stick of memory would make the system unstable but not corrupt files.... The stick of memory was in the system for 3 or more months....
  7. David1982

    Corrupt NTFS.sys HELP

    Tried that... HEHEHE thanks for the suggestion... Any reason why I would get that error a brand new clean hard drive?
  8. David1982

    Exchange 2000 Enterprise Help

    I really hope someone can help me on this one. I think I am having a major brain fart here. But I have Advanced Server running on my Box and am trying to set up Exchange on it. But I go to administration tool and it asks what server to connect to. What would I put in there? I have tried everything. I don't ever remember creating one. Yes I have put in the domain that the Server is built around. Is there somewhere that anyone knows of where I can find this server name? Any Ideas? And here is another question where is the "any" key? LOL J/k Thanks for informing the dumb. David
  9. David1982

    Exchange 2000 Enterprise Help

    Exchange 5.5 Administrator is the one I am trying to get into to. Any ideas?