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About mossimo97

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  1. You Asked: In Windows you have a Registry, is there an equivalent in Linux? In Windows you have .INI files, is there an equivalent in Linux? In Windows you have profiles, what is the equivalent in Linux? In Windows you can map drives, how is this done in Linux? In Windows you have DLLs, is there an equivalent in Linux? Here is how unix or linux handles this: Registry - is basically a database of program configurations and windows configurations. Unix / Linux does not have something like this as far as I know. Unix / Linux use config files instead. Ini file - this is basically a config while. Unix / Linux use config files. Profiles - Unix / linux store user profiles in /home Mapped drives - Unix / Linux use NFS mounts (which are really cool!) .DLL's - these are basically libraries. Unix / Linux have libraries but they are not called .dlls. (also, a nice bonus for Unix / Linux is that libraries are not stored in the same location. As a result, unlike win9x you don't have .dll hell) Just so you know, I am a unix / linux / nt / administrator and am technology neutral..