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About wysiwug

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  1. wysiwug

    NT Server RAS problem

    Steve. I have recently ( last week) installed NT4 on a new Pc Although I am not an Expert I recall the install asking me if I wanted to install the RAS service and it did as it was told. when i ran the Service pack 6 on it did the business with out question. I am not sure weather this helps Peter wysiwug
  2. wysiwug

    Problem with Internet Explorer

    Val Go to My Computer, Add remove, and look for IE6. It will allow you to uninstall or ask you if you want to repair. It worked for me. Peter wysiwug Australia
  3. Plato Last week I came accross this problem on a friends machine. I could not fix it so MS support got an email and within 24 hours they sent us a bug fix. I will get the reply that they sent tomorrow and post it here Peter wysiwug Austraila
  4. Team I came accross theis wonderful site the other day and spied a message thread that asked if anyone new of a fix for this problem with iE. Well I have a good friend who has just solved the problem. I am unable to tell you what caused the problem but an Email to MS support resulted in a bug fix. I will look into the result and see if the file they sent is still on that machine Stay tuned if you are interested Peter wysiwug Australia