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Posts posted by sflesch23

  1. Quote:

    I looked at some of the tests on the motherboard you are using. One of the peculiarities of the board was it allows the BIOS to read the SPD module on the DDR stick and allow the mainboard to set itself according to what the DDR sticks "tells" it. This feature can be disabled if timings and latency are set in Bios by the user. So, it is possible that the first time you switched processors there was enough difference in speed to throw the timing off. From Mushkin I read "you will basically NOT find 1T spec DDR unless it is a Registered DIMM."

    Chalk it up as a victory that you got it going. Just try to remember what you did last so you can repeat it.

    i am using registered ddr ram, and manually set the timings in the bios.

  2. Quote:

    Rule1 and frist rule of all rules when upgrade your system backup what you need frist more so with new MotherBoard and just plain old CPU upgrade always do a clean install when come to Win2000 and WinXP I don't care what MS said Oh it work just fine you should have any problem Gee that funny then why I'am alway get BSOD then??? lier lier pants on fire hehe.

    i've been sayin i was tryin to do a fresh install cause i had changed cpu's and i was getting some really weird errors.

  3. ok when i had previously installed win xp on this system i had no installation problems.. when i installed it this time like i said i had to remove all the accessories and i forgot to mention i removed all but one hard drive and i kept swapping out memory. the harddrive i used was a new drive and had just been formatted and partitioned. the hard drive was an 80 gig and had a 10 gig and a 70 gig partition. do you think that the new xp processor maybe didnt' like the size of this drive? or the way that it was fdisked and formatted? i'm fairly familiar with this computer stuff but i'm still in school and still learning new stuff so any input is always greatly appreciated and to the person who made the dumb comment about only seeing this in amd systems, why don't you take your immature comments and go somewere else, i asked for help not to be criticized about how the processor is always a problem but chipzilla is the greatest thing that ever came out when its not. oh big deal they have more market share right now but amd is getting bigger and bigger everyday so get used to it. i would never go intel and i never let any of my friends go intel they are a monopolizing and pushy company who can't get anywere in the world without beating down the smaller guy and its quite obvious that their scheme to take out competition is not working look how much amd has grown in the past few years.

  4. ok the fsb for the 1.4 was 133mhz. the bios does properly recognize and support the 1800+, the bios has the voltage and multiplier set at auto. that seems to be the best setting. i actually put the 1800+ back in after i installed win xp and now for some strange reason its running with out a lock up, but wouldn't let me install xp at all when i had it in before. if anyone can explain why the computer did that i would be grateful cause i had spent the past 7 hours tryin to figure out why it was acting like it was.

  5. ok here is the more bizarre thing i've seen yet. i tried to see how my system would work with the athlon xp 1800+ so i pulled it from my friends computer and put it in my and for some strange reason i got a stop: 0x0000008e (0x0000005, 0x80844c68, 0xf9e82d2c, 0x00000000) error code. so i go and put my athlon 1.4 back in and the system works perfectly. now my question is why would the computer give me that code with a processor that is only clocked 150mhz faster than my original one? my system specs are 512mb mushkin ddr ram, msi kt266 pro r ver 1.8 bios, athlon 1.4, wd 80 gig, 300 watt antec ps, windows xp pro. i would list the other items in the computer but i pulled them all out to pinpoint the problem and the problem still showed its face even with all the accesories out.
