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About Raa

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  1. Raa

    what's the best ms os?

    As a computer consultant and network administrator for a number of sites, I'm required to investigate new technologies as they come out. I'll come straight to the point. Windows 2000 Professional is my choice. There's no second doubting it's stability, SECURITY (which, strangely enough, nobody actually mentioned yet?), and speed. I've used most MS operating systems, and have gone through equal pains having to do something in them. Win2k has given me the least problems, and I fully recommend it for any use. (Laptops may have a SLIGHT advantage with XP Pro). Until Microsoft gets its act together and learns that PRETTY graphics that HIDE PRIVACY INVASIONS are NOT cool, I won't be touching XP with a 20ft barge pole. Anyone can say "Just go and download XPAntiSpy". Thanks, but no thanks. Why should I rely on a 3rd party program (that may not even fully patch the holes), for something I shouldn't have to use or worry about? I give Microsoft its credit, XP is more advanced than 2k. But not by much. All XP is, is win2k + pretty graphics + minor speed optimisations + bugs + security flaws. I can't see that Winxp is going to offer me (or any of my clients) any sort of advantage. Sorry, It's Win2k all the way. P.S. I know that WinXP "SE" (yes, that's Second Edition), is on it's way. And I'm fully open to debate on whether Microsoft has bucked its ideas up with it or not. But until it's out and decomplied by everone, I'll stick with my Win2k, happy in the knowledge that I won't be as easily hacked or monitored by anyone than XP users. Cheers, Raa. If I've offended anyone (xp users?) with this post, then I apologise in advance, i'm entitled to my opinion, and i'm just stating the facts. (even if they aren't well known in the business-world )