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About parrest

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  1. parrest

    memory cannot be read error (0x0.....)

    Memory exceptions can also come from a bad video card and/or video driver. Makes sense that memory errors would realize themselves mainly when trying to access games which use video memory extensively. Everybody always assumes it's O/S or physical memory. The 4 possiblities, in this order, are: Video memory Virtual memory settings O/S Physical memory (RAM) (not likely but possible)
  2. parrest

    MS Photoeditor Not visible, unless MAXIMISED

    This behavior is apparent in Windows NT as well. The problem is MS-Photoeditor. I recomment IfranView. Photoeditor is a poor program.
  3. parrest

    Gator software.

    Another way that Gator gets installed on your computer is when you visit a website that uses some cutesy mouse icons. You may not want to admit that you just clicked "YES" to install "components that help you view this page better". Now you have cutesy mouse icon whenever you go to that website and , oh yeah, you have Gator too...oops!
  4. parrest

    Program to convert .WMA to .MP3

    I'm sorry. I thought we were talking about AUDIO and SOUND. Are we including digital photographs and digital video and other vaguely related mediums as well? I was answering the question about encoding/re-encoding and the simple answer is: no...no sound quality loss.
  5. parrest

    Program to convert .WMA to .MP3

    That only applies to analog mediums such as tape or vinyl copying. Digital information to different compression methods don't vary in sound quality unless you purposely choose a different compression rate.