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About BladeRunnerUK

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  1. BladeRunnerUK

    Anyone know of a simple app to log time spent using an ISP?

    Thanks that's perfect
  2. Just something simple that automatically records the connection duration of a dial-up each time to connect, and gives a running total of hours/mins etc to a file or list? I used to have one years ago for win 95 but forgotten what it was
  3. Ok so when I reinstall XP, I have to spend ages getting the look back to how I want it from the default. You know, colour scheme, all the menu bars in explorer / outlook, text style & size, etc, ect. I was wondering if there were a few reg files in my current instal that I could save and reinstate to do this easier?
  4. That title should be "How to make ALL previously visited Web Pages Available for Offline Viewing?" (but it wouldn't let me put that in the topic title), or rather it should be "let me view the pages previously visted again without the need to reconnect?". I'm not talking about this:- Make Web Pages Available for Offline Viewing I have previously set the ability to see the pages visted again in XP but I just can't remember how?. With a fresh install of XP it now wont show a page that is in the history, or previously visited bar at the top of IE, unless I am connected to the internet. I do vaguely remember when I set this before with whatever work around it was, It said something like "this change will effect all users" before I enabled it. Like said this is not just a particular favourite I want to cache.......... take for instance this forum, now I should be able to disconnect, close IE. reopen it later, go into the history folder click the link to this topic and it will be displayed. at the moment it wants to connect everytime, or just gives "cannot find server error" any ideas please....
  5. thewizard75 Thanks for the informative reply. I will try what you suggest tomorrow, not had any sleep for 37 hours I'm currently using the NTFS. The crashes or lock ups are not an everyday happening but I'm an overclocker and gamer and both lead to system locks occasionally however good the OS is. I also tend to use the latest hardware which can be less mature in the driver department. I mostly like XP, certainly much better than 2000 for my uses.
  6. Yeah it is extremely annoying as my site has many images and it takes ages to cache them all again and again. The site is www.zerofanzone.co.uk (may find it interesting, dedicated to PC cooling). If you get any fix or work around, reg hack to solve it please repost it in this thread or e-mail me and I'll do the same.... thanks
  7. This is becoming a real pain in the *** with XP / 2000 on a dial-up Is there any hack or work around for this in XP/2000? 98SE never had this issue but if you get a lock-up requiring reset or auto reboot, all the cached images in the temp internet folder,(going back weeks), are all lost, or at least they need to be recached as if they have not been viewed before. This is incredibly annoying on a 56K at 28 ish. (cannot get a faster connection at my location). I have tried various settings and I have the temp folder set much larger. "Delete on browser close" is not ticked, and it does cache images just fine until I get a situation that requires a reset. I personally want it to never lose cached pics, and reinstate them to the top when viewed again in the same way this forum works with topics. Any that are not viewed again go to the back to fall off the end as new images are cached. This is such a simple thing really and like said I never had this issue with 9X windows. Is there a program hack or way of forcing what I want at all or some way to get Microsoft to notice this as a real issue, before I go insane or back to 9X windows, (almost the same thing) , thanks There is mention of the problem by someone else HERE a long time ago, but no solution. I've also spent ages searching Microshafts site for a solution