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About Transmak

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  1. Transmak

    problems with my Gainward GF3 Ti200

    thats it im returning it monday, thanks for all the sugjestions
  2. Transmak

    problems with my Gainward GF3 Ti200

    i tryed 256 and 64 so i dont think thats it
  3. Transmak

    problems with my Gainward GF3 Ti200

    i reinstalled my XP and that didnt work, if i run dxdiag with full hardware acceleration it crashes, dxdiag works only when i got HA on low butt then it doesnt do me no good cause diret3d and directdraw is disabled, thanks for all youre sugjestions but im still att ground zero and starting to give upp this #ยค" card
  4. Transmak

    problems with my Gainward GF3 Ti200

    Im sad to say that didnt work
  5. Transmak

    problems with my Gainward GF3 Ti200

    All files that starts with Nv in the windows directory? got lots off nv...dll in the windows/system32 folder and nv4 and nv4_mini system files in the Windows/system32/drivers is it ok to delete them?
  6. I got problems with my Gainward GF3 Ti200 in WinXP, when i try to run 3D MARK 2001, watch videos, play games the screen fills upp with colors and stripes and reboot is req. I had to tune my hardware acceleration down so that directdraw and direct3d were disabled in order to play games with OpenGL, i tryed various drivers, tryed using directX for win2000 (probably the same as for XP?), can anybody help me, beside corecting my english