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Remove Icon Names..

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Is there any way to remove the names of the icons from my desktop?

i.e. no network neighborhood, no my computer, no recycle bin...just their icons?


Without using xteq x-setup, because it screws my computer up.

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it's and idea, but I'll still have that block of background color...


I just want the icon only. Is it possible?

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I do not think that is possable because then the file will have no clue of what it is. Your 2nd best bet is possably to look up some symbol in asci like a dot and use that.

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Hi, INFERNO2000.


I've seen Desktop Architect from http://www.desktoparchitect.com/

working under Win98SE. It allowed complete control over icon text and backgrounds, along with quite a few other things. Whether it will function under W2K is something of which I'm not certain. The home page says it does.


Hope this helps.




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You're welcome! And I thank YOU for posting that, 'cause it encouraged me to go get Desktop Architect again. (I hadn't used it since I came over to NT / W2K.) Now I have a nice W2K desktop theme featuring Princess Mononoke.


Okay, so I'm weird!






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Didn't have what I wanted...it looks like a fancy Plus! thing from microsoft(which would be nice)....so I'll keep it. But, I saw nothing there that allowed me to remove the text...

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Oh, heck! My apologies for that. I was thinking of an older version of Desktop Architect that had that feature.


I'm not defeated yet. There were lots of other utilities that were made specifically for this purpose, though most of them only set the text to background color. I'll have a look.




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That'd be fine...It's just pointless. I have 3 icons on my desktop. and I know what they are. Nobody else uses this computer...

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I found a weird way to go about this. First of all, let me say that one way to do this would be to edit the registry directly (putting spaces in for icon names), but that would require some research. Might be more trouble than it's worth.


But, if you get x-setup from



and get the appropriate plug-ins, there are provisions there for setting the names for My Computer, Internet Explorer, etc. on the desktop. I just typed in some spaces, applied, clicked on the desktop, and *voila!* no more icon labels.


It's a kind of kludgy workaround, like swatting a fly with a piledriver, but it does work.


Hope this helps.




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If you're gonna do that, why not just rename them directly? (i.e. - right-click the icon, choose rename, and put your spaces) There's no need to use x-setup for this...

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That's great for the first 2...but recycle bin won't rename.


and first post said without X-teq. It screws computers up, and isn't completely uninstallable.

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I've not been able to get this to work in Win2K, but it worked in Win98SE:

Run: regedit;

Do a search for 'Recycle Bin';

Rename those entries to what ever you want;

Reboot, and hope it actually works.



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