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DNS Question

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I have setup up a small home network. One machine running WIn2k, the other Win95 and connected via a crossover cable. Both using Netbios over tcp. No problem they see each other - great. I though would like to try and add IP addresses etc, to see how that works. The question I have is on DNS, What should these numbers be, i.e Considering mainmmachine ip - Name - Main, the other ip 192.168..0.2 - Name - Backup.





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I have now gone alittle further and nead further help. I have tried to set them up without putting a DNS server is. So far,the main maine running Win2k and the relevant IP address installed plus subnet mask with bit Netbios and TCP installed, the Win95 machine has Netbios and TCP installed with the relevant IP address, subnet mask, plus have put in the defauly gafeway of the main machine-Win2k. Ok, now I am stuck. How do I get them to communciate. ????

Tried deleting and diabling Netbios in both machines but still no luck. Pinging does not work (note Win95 wont recognise the command PING).


Thanks in advance



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ok, forget DNS, because DNS = directory name server and it's use for the internet. You don't need to configure a server DNS on your machine.

First step is to put the TCP/IP protocol and configure a ip address : ex for your w2k and for your W95.

Afterthat, put this subnet mask : otherwise both pc cannot ping eachother. They need to be in the same subnet (logical network, not physical).

Now try ping w95 from W2K, it must work.


You don't need also to use netbios (I believe but I'm not sure). If you want to share printer and files, just find the option that allows you to share files and printers. And it's all. If the ping before work, of course smile




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You're making this way too complicated. You only have two machines hooked together by a crossover cable, not the Chrysler Building.


Netbios (NetBeui) is used for name resolution in NT networks. Its fast and non-routable. You don't need it.


What gateway? You have two machines and no router. Delete any gateway entries.


Do like DiDInSiDe said. Give them each Class C ip addresses with the subnet Make sure each computer has these statically assigned.


After you do that, use a command prompt and ping each computer from the other. You should see 4 ping results of <0ms and ttl of 128. If you don't, your NIC's don't have the right drivers, or they are bad. Either that or you don't have a working crossover cable.


This setup with TCP/IP is bulletproof.


You can also try to ping from a command prompt on each computer. If that works, then TCP/IP is configured properly on each one, and the only reason they can't ping each other is you are probably using a regular cat5 cable instead of a crossover.


Once you can ping each computer, then all you have to do is share the resources you want on each computer (drives, printers, CD-ROM) and map the devices on the other computer. They also should be members of the same workgroup.


If you want to learn about DNS, then study the books for exam 70-217. Its not a simple matter to deal with. Its one of the more complicated systems in Windows 2000.


And upgrade that W95 machine to W98 if you can. Why swim upstream?

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DNS=Domain Name System (which is more normally called Domain Name Service as it is a function of a server). DNS is for any network that uses TCP/IP, not just the Internet.






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