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STi Sev

AOL 6.0 Review

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I like AOL 6.0 beta (Sign on aol, keyword BETA to get it)


However, be prepared, it does somewhat take over your computer


DOwnload regcleaner to clean out some of the "AOL Autostart, and AUtoAIM" files, and always go to keyword "preferences" And make sure everything is set to your needs


Anyone else using it?

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Uhhh...I don't think anyone here uses AOL.


If you're smart enough to be using Win2k, you're probably smart enough to realize that AOL is gay.

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I didn't ask if aol is gay, I asked has anyone used it..

I've been on the Internet for 6 years. I know Aol is gay, but I still have to use it for email..


Anyone have a INTELLIGENT review?


[This message has been edited by STi Sev (edited 16 September 2000).]

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I use it occasionally. I like it for the most part. The early builds had many problems but they are getting fixed pretty quickly - there seems to be 2-3 new builds each week!


[This message has been edited by Mark W (edited 19 September 2000).]

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Yeah, I know AOL is gay, or fey, or what have you...


I was a charter member of AOL...joined up around 10 years ago or so when most of you had never heard of anything other than maybe CompuServe. Back then it came with a runtime version of GeoWorks, what PC World said, "What Windows 3.0 should have been."


I was a Rep (Community Leader), and a chat host in a couple of forums, and that was back when access to AOL cost by the hour, not by the month. It was a pretty good deal back then: instead of paying $x an hour for AOL service, PLUS any long-distance charges, we got it all free.


(I do want to note, that AOL added access to "The Internet" long before more of the younger readers in this BBS had typed on their first keyboards.}


And, yeah, AOL has been the shitz for the past several years, and no thinking person has anything much to do with it nowadays.


But I remember how hard it was for me to quit AOL, leaving behind all the good friends I'd made over the years and all the good sense of "community" that it actually had back then.


I do get tired of all the tyros who've never been without the 'net bitchin' about how screwed-up AOL is, when they don't even remember a time when there was no MTV. wink





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