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server folder, elp!!!

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Ok im running Win2k, need to give people users name, ok done that! when people login i need them to have different Start Menu's, desktop & my documents, and I don't want them on my D:\ drive I want them on my faster F:\ drive. please help


thanks in advance



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When you create a user under 2000 they get a new profile automatically and will have there own desktop and start menu, As for where the profile is stored this can be moved to another drive by changing path to profile.

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When you create a user under 2000 they get a new profile automatically and will have there own desktop and start menu, As for where the profile is stored this can be moved to another drive by changing path to profile. Do this by right clicking my computer icon and select properties then user profiles highlight profile you want and click copy to button then specify new path.

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